
National Rescue Movement - "Rescue Nigeria" - Rule of Law for Peace, Productivity for Prosperity;

Our Aim

The aims of the party shall be in conformity with the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy as enshrined in Chapter II of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and accordingly, the Party shall pursue the political, economic, social, educational, and other objectives as well as the Directive Principles and Policies stated in the said Chapter II of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Our Objectives

  1. Attain political power through democratic and constitutional means for the purpose of creating socio-economic conditions in which the productive energies of individual citizens and corporate groups are enhanced and utilized for national development.
  2. To promote peace, order and good government whose primary responsibility shall be the welfare and security of all citizens founded on the principles of freedom, equality and justice.
  3. Promote participatory democracy at all levels of the government in the belief that sovereignty belongs to the people from whom government, through the Nigerian Constitution, derives all it powers and authority.
  4. To inculcate decent, selfless service and patriotic culture in Nigerian politics.
  5. To inject new blood into Nigerian politics to facilitate the achievement of the welfare and security of the people.
  6. To establish a true democratic government where respect for the rule of law, equity and social justice prevail.
  7. To field, sponsor and ensure the success of credible candidates for elections to various political positions in the three tiers of government.
  8. To steer the course of Nigerian politics towards socio-economic and political emancipation of the people of Nigeria.
  9. To sensitize, mobilize and assist the Nigerian youth for self-reliance and self-employment as part of efforts in curbing the rate of unemployment, and youth restiveness in the Country.
  10. To revolutionize, modernize and incentivize agriculture to provide sustainable employment, self-reliance and food sufficiency for local consumption and export.
  11. Undertake other activities which in the opinion of the party are ancillary, incidental or conducive to the promotion of the aforementioned aims and objectives.

Our Principles

  • Use Political Power to serve God and Humanity.
  • Politics of Ideas Against Politics of Thuggery.
  • Politics of Credibility Against Politics of Deception.
  • Selfless Service Against Politics of Self-Enrichment.
  • Politics of Reconstruction Against Politics of destruction.

  • Respect for the Rule of Law Against Politics of Impunity.
  • Politics of National Integration Against Politics that Stikes Fear and Division.
  • Politics of Shared Prosperity Against Politics of Stagnation and decadence
  • Politics of Respect for the Ordinary Citizens Against Politics of Patronage of the Elite.

It is my belief and of the members of theNational Resuce Movement NRM that whether we like it or not and whether we accept it or not our experence from 1999 to date has unequivocally shown that we have failed and it is a shame. Furthermore, it exposes us (politiicians) as incaplable of giving Nigeria good Governance. It is our conviction that all the socio-economic and political crisis bedeviling the country are manifeststions of bad Governance.

NRM , "Rescue Nigeria "

If the state of the Nation today is all that Nigerian Politician can give to his country, then, there is need for soul searching As part of our repentance to God, a group of patroitic Nigerians under my humble leadership decided to give Nigerians for once a party with ideology. We, applied to INEC for registration as a political party in the name of National Resuce Movement .NRM. Thanks to our Lord the almighty God who guided INEC to consider us worthy of registering as a Political Party.

NRM , "Rescue Nigeria "

As a duly registered and a bonified Political Party in Nigera- NRM is set to change approach, style and leadership recruitment process in Nigerian Politics, if good Governance is to be entrenched in Nigeria, Traditional Rulers, Religious leaders, Professional and Trade union groups shall be involved in perfecting our manifesto, leadership recruitment and in Governance while in Power.

NRM , "Rescue Nigeria "

Youth and woman groups shall be actively involved not only in the leadership selection process but in leadership at all levels of Governance to groom then and prepare them to take the destiny of this country in their hand.

NRM , "Rescue Nigeria "